My freelance work has always been linked to writing and content creation one way or another.  Whether I’m writing and editing for an online magazine, free lance writing for some local publications in her Los Angeles, writing copy and social media tags and postings for clients or just a blog entry of my own, writing is my evolving craft.  And my passion is helping people launch themselves into their next great endeavor.  I wanted to start this project a few years ago, but I didn’t have nearly the resources I have now, nor the direction — which is why I’m a little excited about it finally taking off and developing into what it has become.

Résumé Mojo is about making career seekers look good on paper.  And that’s what I do in person for some of my clients.  I write or re-write their résumés, draft and outline their cover letters and supply them with interview tips.  Let’s be honest, you cannot take yourself to the next level or even be taken seriously, if you don’t at least look good paper.  That’s my goal here.  Is to help people look good on paper, especially in this economy in which we are still dragging ass to get out of recovery and back to booming.  And with many people out of work, looking for work and looking for better employment opportunities, we all could use a little extra mojo to take us to where we want to be.  I will use the word “we” a lot.  I know from personal experience what it’s like to pound the pavement, being out of work and stressed out as result of it.  And I figured, who would know better to help career seekers pursue of their ideal profession than someone who can relate to them on the most grittiest level.

This is will not be just a space for résumé tips and tricks, but do expect them.  I aim to share job openings as they are made available to me — and they are.  I have many friends in many fields who keep me abreast around the clock about positions needing to be filled, free training opportunities for those looking to switch gears and whatever else can help someone out.

One more thing — I’ve doing my damnest to steer clear of the word “job” (just over broke).  No one likes the idea of a job (if we want to be really honest about it) and I don’t want to be blamed for helping someone find something they really don’t want.  So I’m going to use the word “career” more often than not (or employment or positions), because careers are fabulous — careers take you places, have you meeting new people and gain new knowledge.   That’s what I strive to do here and if you visit often, I hope you find the same as well!